Bike trip 2008: Lake Mills

We packed hummus which was great with pita.

Red barns.



We had blueberry cheddar chardonnay cheese from Brennans.

We had a wonderful site with big trees. There were only 3 other sites occupied at the campground.






Woodpecker (Northern Flicker) above our site.


We enjoyed godiva milk chocolate liqueor with raspberry vodka, and a hot fire before the rain came down.

It was so windy that we ran out of fuel before we had warm water for tea and coffee. Thomas found instant coffee will still dissolve in cold water.





Mud Lake.



We did get some rain that night... the ranger told us he was close to having to warn us about severe weather. We would have had to take shelter in the pit toilets.



The Glacial Drumlin Bike trail, unsuitable for road bikes.


The spider.





Read the full story below:

We rode our bikes a total of 77.3 miles this weekend to camp at Sandhill Station State Campground in Lake Mills, WI.

We left Saturday at 11:30 AM. It was beautiful and sunny outside. We had a partially new route to avoid some traffic. It was nice, although we learned that when they draw a street in green, meaning safest for biking, sometimes that just means that their is a bike lane, and doesn't necessarily mean low car traffic.
Megan had some leftover hummus and pita she had made for a picnic at work Friday, and it made a great bike snack. We also had blueberry chardonay cheddar cheese from brennans, and pound cake. Megan got the pound cake recipe from a co worker, and it turned out to be great as a bike snack because it was so filling. Thomas thought it was like german cake, which is a really big compliment. We also stopped for a restbreak at the gas station along the way, and Thomas got some ice cream.
There was a chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon, but we made it to the campground dry a little before 5 PM. There were only 3 other campsites taken (one other by bikers) at the entire campground. There were even tree branches all over the place that made great campfire wood.
Once we got the tent up it started to rain, even though it was sunny outside. It was super windy. The rained stopped long enough for us to make some angel hair pasta with sauce. Thomas made a big fire with the tree branches all over. We enjoyed some strong milk chocolate godiva liqueor with raspberry vodka. Then it started to rain again and get super windy so we turned in for the night.

The next morning it was sunny but very cold and windy. The park ranger told us that the weather was so bad last night that he almost came around to warn the campers. He said that we would have had to take shelter in the restrooms (pit toilets) since we had come on bikes. It's nice to know our $12 camping fee included a ranger looking out for us.
We went on a short hike on the boardwalks. There was a lot of bird action.
Thomas's stove took forever to boil water for meals because it was so windy. We will have to invest in a metal sheet to protect the flame from wind.
We wore all of our clothes and took off at 9:50 AM for home. It was tough biking against the cold wind. It's great to be off of the bikes now.
The first day our average speed was 10 mph, but today coming home it slowed down to 8.8 mph.

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